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Tax Residency Certificate & Advisory

The legal and physical basis on which tax is calculated in accordance with a nation’s tax regulations is referred to as tax residency certificate. Tax residency, however, is more related to an international cross-border context than to GCC internal tax legislation; more particularly, it is related to the legally avoided double taxation in two nations under international DTAA treaties. This is a significant area of concern, particularly for multinational corporations with operations spread across numerous tax jurisdictions.

These businesses may benefit from the appropriate DTAAs that the relevant GCC nations have with other nations. Both people and businesses are eligible to receive a tax residency certificate. An essential document that can be used to verify a person’s tax resident status is a tax residency certificate. The tax authority in the person’s country of residency will be able to provide them with the certificate, which may be utilised for either personal or professional reasons.


residency advisory

A Tax Residency Certificate establishes residency legally (TRC). The Tax Residence Certificate (TRC) is an official certificate or document issued by a country’s tax authority to tax resident entities and persons who meet the required tax registration requirements as prescribed by the country’s domestic income tax laws. 

It is a requirement for claiming any benefits of lower or no taxation in the source or residence nation in relation to the DTAA to have a TRC, or Tax Domicile Certificate as it is known in some countries, such as the UAE. Tax residency is extremely important to both people and businesses, but it necessitates in-depth understanding of the intricate DTAA tax treaty regulations. Our tax specialists have a great deal of experience handling DTAAs and TRC. We provide guidance on the pertinent laws, assist you in getting your TRC, and walk you through the procedure:

Advice on Residency implications for individuals under UAE, GCC and other Income Tax laws and its interplay with the applicable DTAAs

  • Advice on Residency implications for entities under GCC and other Income Tax laws and its interplay with the applicable DTAAs
  • Review of documents required for Tax Residency Certificate (TRC)
  • Assistance in filing applications with the respective tax department for TRC
  • Responding to queries, if any, raised by the tax department
  • Assistance in obtaining TRC from the tax department

A tax residency certificate is an important document that can be used to confirm an individual’s tax residency status. The certificate can be used for personal or business purposes, and it can be obtained from the tax authority in the individual’s country of residence.

The certificate is typically used to confirm an individual’s tax status for purposes of claiming tax benefits or exemptions. For businesses, a tax residency certificate can be used to confirm the tax status of a company for purposes of claiming tax benefits or exemptions.

Individuals and businesses can obtain a tax residency certificate from the tax authority in their country of residence. The process for obtaining the certificate varies by country, but generally, it involves filing a request with the tax authority and providing supporting documentation.

Forthright is a professional services firm that provides tax registration number in UAE, withholding tax service, Vat return filing consultancy, accounting services and Corporate tax in UAE. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of service and the most up-to-date information available. Our team of experts are ready to help you with all of your tax-related needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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Dubai Fahidi heights Al hamriya | London DA16 3DJ Welling

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