Dubai Fahidi heights Al hamriya | London DA16 3DJ Welling
Tax Consultancy / VAT Consultancy /

VAT Health Check

VAT health check ensure VAT compliance with FTA laws. VAT in UAE is a complicated subject that is impacting all the elements of a business. Different businesses with different sizes and different natures are facing different complexities in regards to VAT, to run the business smoothly in UAE, businesses must ensure VAT compliance to avoid VAT fines and penalties from Federal Tax Authority. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to make sure that everything is in line with the FTA rules and regulations. A VAT health check is a type of VAT audit to identify the risks and errors in the VAT by reviewing and analyzing the previously filed VAT returns and VAT refunds.


Health Check

The VAT health check enables a business to identify any mistakes in the VAT and make corrections of them before getting a penalty from FTA. It is the responsibility of business to follow the rules and guidelines of FTA while handling VAT.

Forthright is providing the best VAT health services in UAE to help businesses identifying their errors and fix them timely.

Our tax experts have a wide range of experience in all kinds of business industries. Our professional VAT specialists will assist you in many ways to ensure complete VAT compliance of your company as per the FTA’s rules and regulations. After conducting a VAT health check, our VAT experts will grade your company based on passed and failed checks.

Health Checks enable clients to undertake any necessary corrective action before an audit takes place. With the Health Checks, clients will also be better prepared to handle a tax audit as they would have collected the necessary documentation that was put together during the Health Check and can continue to ensure such documentation is readily available. A high-level Health Check may highlight key taxes or compliance areas where more attention is required

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Dubai Fahidi heights Al hamriya | London DA16 3DJ Welling

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